At last I'm writing the blog post that I wanted to write on Friday. I felt kinda freaked out that day. I seriously can't believe how forgetful I am. My aunt told me that morning to send an email for her (she's not really familiar with computers) sometime during the day and told me a couple of times not to forget (cause I always forget things). I had to go to the library first, and when I got there I thought I'd send the email first before I forgot. When I got to the end of the email I didn't know how to finish it (I didn't know if the recipient was her friend or someone else, and I was never really good in writing letters and emails anyway). Talking on the phone is not allowed in the library so I couldn't ask her about it. So I had to send the email later at my parents' shop. I closed my iPad and put it in my bag and right at the moment I closed my iPad, I had forgotten all about sending the email until nighttime when my aunt asked me about it. She said: "Oh! You forgot again! I told you not to forget!". I don't think it was even a minute between typing the email and forgetting about it. After going to the library, I went to my parents' shop to help out. My mom told me to bring over the blue evening gown by the storage room to the rack by the changing room and when I got to the gown she told me to do something else (forgot what it was). Later she said: "Hey! What about the blue evening gown?". Right at the moment I walked away from the gown to do the other thing my mom asked I had fogotten all about bringing the gown over to the rack. Pretty freaky.
My mom went to see a Chinese Medicine doctor and she said that always forgetting things is due to the liver not working properly and not being healthy enough. I guess that is true cause I'm always sleeping late and not getting enough sleep. The liver heals/replenishes itself (or something along those lines - not sure how to translate 養肝 into English) between 11 pm and 1 am. I tell myself I need to sleep earlier but I end up sleeping late again (like I am now).
Anyway, it was pretty freaky how I could forget things so quickly and easily.